About Dr. Vanderveer
As a 3rd Generation Medical Doctor, my fascination with health, healing and treatment modalities began at a young age. I joined my Dad on Neurosurgery Rounds, on calls to the ER and for long cases in the Operating Room. His father was an OBGYN who served as a medical officer in the Korean War. For the most part I had a healthy, happy childhood. I participated in sports and accepted a Football Scholarship to play for the NC State Wolfpack in 1997. I had some injuries and a few surgeries, so I was no stranger to being in pain. I received my Bachelors of Science in Biology and minor in Genetics in 2002. I went on to study Anatomy and Neurobiology with a focus on Traumatic Brain Injury at the Medical College of Virginia in Richmond. I earned the degree of Master of Science.
My interest in alternative healing methods began during my first year of medical school. I was “studying my butt off” and developed severe pain and strange symptoms in my back and pelvic region. I was miserable, in chronic pain and depressed. I sought out the opinion of many practitioners; I was thoroughly examined, scanned, diagnosed with pudendal nerve entrapment. I ended up taking a leave of absence from medical school.
One of my medical school friends and I smoked cannabis out of an “apple bowl” and my pain and depression was greatly reduced. I began to research the history of cannabis and to investigate scientific studies. I was surprised by the healing potential of marijuana and I began to seriously consider cannabis as a medicine.
Cannabis is truly a “gateway to health” and has led me to consider other natural methods of healing. I stay healthy by breathing through my nose, getting regular exercise, eating healthy, getting good sleep and staying greatful to God the creator. I also practice meditation, yoga and utilize a healthy diet, herbs, yoga and other modalities to maintain my well being.