THE Foundation of Health is NOSE BREATHING

BREATHING through your nose is THE most important part of being healthy. We should almost ALWAYS be inhaling through the nose. This includes when we exercise, talk, and are at rest. Exhaling through the nose is also preferable, but sometimes we need or want to use our exhale to speak, sing or stoke a fire.

The nose and associated structures filter, warm or cool, and humidify the vital air we need to survive.

Mouth breathing when we sleep is extremely bad for health. If we snore or wake up with a dry mouth, we are causing great harm to our oral health, cardiovascular health and almost every aspect of our being.

Just like over-eating, many of us are over-breathing. It is best to pay attention to the breath and to “sip” air as needed.

If one is not breathing properly, diets, supplements, medications, surgery, therapy, will be of limited value.

I would encourage checking out James Nestor’s book, BREATH and also George Catlin’s, The Breath of Life or Mal-Respiration: And Its Effects Upon the Enjoyments & Life of Man.

Maybe one of the most important things I can share is…..



Its a Hot One in Columbia, South Carolina.


Winter is here